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Goals to Accomplish by 2020

Goals to Accomplish by 2025


Goals to Accomplish by 2035

  1. Gruadate high school.

  2. Go see my family and friends.

  3. Get a good jod that  pays well and so i can also get my mom and dad something for the holidays.

  4. Go on vacation with my brother and sister.

  5. Get a good scholorship for basketball.

  1. Get to become a diesel machinc like my dad and  work with him. 

  2. Get back together with everyone of my friends and catch up with theM.

  3. Have and go to party's and study for a scholorship.

  4.  See my cousin's that i have not gotten to see for two year's.

  5. Gratuate with a master's degree in diesel machinec's.                                                                                  

  1. Have a kid and a dog maybe an australian shepherd.

  2. Work as a machinc for the city of fayittvile.

  3. Teach my kids to be respectful to there elders.

  4. Get a boxer and maybe a pitbull.

  5. Get the family together and have fun go to the lake or the park.

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